
Fiware Driven Energy COMmunities FOR the FUTURE

Goal 1

Physics-informed AI solution for optimized control of energy communities on a cross domain level


Social, policy, legal and regulatory aspects, by considering the smart grid and prosumers with EVs, heating and cooling and renewable generation

Goal 2

High time resolution power profiles of consumption and production for different use cases to assist future investments and market decisions.

Trial Sites

Trial Site in Germany

Virtual microgrid and high-power battery storage at RWTH
Germany’s first energy sharing community in Wunsiedel in the Fichtelgebirge.

Trial Site in Sweden

HSB Living Lab and Akademiska Hus in Sweden with apartments and offices including controllable EV charging, batteries home appliances

Trial Site in Austria

Energy and Solutions Lab as well as different energy communities

Trial Site in Romania

Mogosoaia community centre and the student campus in Bucharest

Key Topics

Social Experimental studies

Psychological factors for support of energy communities and willingness to participate.

Energy market analysis

Analysis for adoption of flexible energy systems in different segments of the energy market.

Energy analytics for emergent data clusters

Energy analytics and monitoring for energy communities, including apartment buildings and industrial applications.

Modelling of energy communities

Models for energy communities including the impact on customer comfort and preferences depending on the market and customer decisions for flexibility exchange

ICT Platforms and Monitoring

ICT platform environment and development of connectors for different monitoring and actuation devices

Trial site planning, setup and operation

Demonstrate the cooperation of different sized flexibility providers and energy communities.

Consortium Partners

This project has received funding in the framework of the joint programming initiative CETPartnership, the Clean Energy Transition Partnership under the 2022 joint call for research proposals, co-funded by the European Commission and with the funding organizations below.

Supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Supported by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation

Supported by the Swedish Energy Agency

The FFG is the central national funding organization and strengthens Austria’s innovative power. This project is funded by the FFG.

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